How to Earn By Posting Links on Facebook and Google Plus

In the previous post, I promised you of sharing the ideas of how to earn money by the activities that you perform on Facebook and Google+.

I have observed many people post photos and links of reference sites that they like on Facebook for their friends to view. All this is done for free except the likes that you get.

Now, simple way to earn from these posts are by giving a link to them instead of copying or pasting the url as is.

Now, you may wonder how to assign link to the URL. It is simple. There are many websites that allow URL shortening. Some of the websites pay for shortening url using their site and some do not.

I have listed a few sites that actually pay you for the addresses that you have shortened.

For example, I liked a page on holiday site and I want to share it with my friends on Facebook. I would simply go this URL shortening site, shorten the URL and paste this new short link on Facebook wall and simply mention in few words what this link would contain or you may also post a picture image for quick attention.

One of the top sites that pay for link shortening is - is a revolutionary new way of making money from sending people to links. If you have a popular FaceBook or Twitter profile and you discover an interesting article, simply drop the link in the URL shortener and send the shortened URL to your friends. Once people start clicking on your short URL, you start making money!

This is how, the shortened url looks like.

All of the clicks you receive on your shortened URLs are paid out according to the country each visiting user comes from. United States generally pays out the most because it is the highest quality for advertisers. You can take a look at the exact payouts on the payout rates page.

Here is the screenshot of my earnings for 4 days from my account.

Please note, this is only for a couple of days since I have opened with them and have got few clicks and some earnings on it.

Till today by the time you are reading this post, this has multiplied almost thousand times. You can imagine how much it can pay you for your free non paid activity that you do on Facebook and helping others to gain popularity for free of cost. In short, you are advertising other people's content free of cost.

This is just of the sites that I have mentioned here in this post. In the next post I will give you the list of  other similar websites that pay you for posting links.

Watch out for next post for some more interesting sites for link posting.

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